Showing results 51 - 60 out of 195
Kahlert, L., Bassiony, E. F., Cox, R. J., & Skellam, E. J. (2020). Diels–Alder reactions during the biosynthesis of sorbicillinoids. Angewandte Chemie , 59(14), 5816-5822.,
Stadler, M., Lambert, C., Wibberg, D., Kalinowski, J., Cox, R. J., Kolařík, M., & Kuhnert, E. (2020). Intragenomic polymorphisms in the ITS region of high-quality genomes of the Hypoxylaceae (Xylariales, Ascomycota). Mycological progress, 19(3), 235-245.
Hantke, V., Skellam, E. J., & Cox, R. J. (2020). Evidence for enzyme catalysed intramolecular [4+2] Diels-Alder cyclization during the biosynthesis of pyrichalasin H. Chemical communications, 56(19), 2925-2928.,
Heard, D. M., Tayler, E. R., Cox, R. J., Simpson, T. J., & Willis, C. L. (2020). Structural and synthetic studies on maleic anhydride and related diacid natural products. TETRAHEDRON, 76(1), Article 130717.
Wang, C., Becker, K., Pfütze, S., Kuhnert, E., Stadler, M., Cox, R. J., & Skellam, E. J. (2019). Investigating the Function of Cryptic Cytochalasan Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenases Using Combinatorial Biosynthesis. Organic letters, 21(21), 8756-8760.
Yang, X. L., Friedrich, S., Yin, S., Piech, O., Williams, K., Simpson, T. J., & Cox, R. J. (2019). Molecular basis of methylation and chain-length programming in a fungal iterative highly reducing polyketide synthase. Chemical science, 10(36), 8478-8489.,
Wang, C., Hantke, V., Cox, R. J., & Skellam, E. J. (2019). Targeted Gene Inactivations Expose Silent Cytochalasans in Magnaporthe grisea NI980. Organic Letters, 21(11), 4163-4167.
Ozturk, I. K., Dupont, P. Y., Chettri, P., McDougal, R., Böhl, O. J., Cox, R. J., & Bradshaw, R. E. (2019). Evolutionary relics dominate the small number of secondary metabolism genes in the hemibiotrophic fungus Dothistroma septosporum. Fungal biology, 123(5), 397-407.
Greco, C., De Mattos-Shipley, K., Bailey, A. M., Mulholland, N. P., Vincent, J. L., Willis, C. L., Cox, R. J., & Simpson, T. J. (2019). Structure revision of cryptosporioptides and determination of the genetic basis for dimeric xanthone biosynthesis in fungi. Chemical science, 10(10), 2930-2939.
Lebe, K. E., & Cox, R. J. (2019). Oxidative steps during the biosynthesis of squalestatin S1. Chemical science, 10(4), 1227-1231.,